Storm Preparedness in Cheektowaga, NY

Though certain areas across the country are more prone to tornadoes, they can develop anywhere and at any time. Preparing for the worst situation possible helps get your family ready in the event that a tornado does touch down near your home. Have family discussions about tornadoes and run through drills each year to ensure that everyone knows what to do during a storm.

Follow these steps to prepare for a tornado:

  • Purchase a battery-operated weather radio and teach everyone how to use it. Keep extra batteries nearby.
  • Designate a safe spot within your home. Use a storm shelter or basement if your home has those features. If not, select a room with no windows on the lowest level.
  • If possible, avoid choosing a location that is directly underneath heavy objects, such as a piano or washing machine, because these can fall through a weakened floor during a tornado.
  • Teach your family to duck low to the ground and use a mattress, blanket, jacket or other item to shield their bodies from broken glass and flying debris.
  • Take a first aid class together as a family. Treating minor wounds and even performing CPR can save lives during a severe storm.
  • Every member of your family should know how to turn off the electricity, gas and water, along with how to use a fire extinguisher and how to dial 911. Just as important as knowing how to do these tasks is knowing when they must be done.
  • Put together a disaster supply kit and pack it in easy-to-grab backpacks or duffel bags. Pack at least three days’ worth of water, non-perishable food, medications, a change of clothing, blankets, flashlights, a weather radio, batteries, phone chargers, baby and pet supplies, first aid supplies, copies of critical family documents, extra keys and cash.

Tornadoes can cause a tremendous amount of damage, which means that it’s safer to over-prepare. In fact, your storm preparation could just mean the difference between life and death.

Protect your house against the damaging effects of tornadoes. Call Richard Cielinski Insurance Agency at (716) 892-5154 for more information on Buffalo home insurance.

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